Android 旧版API
This in-app routing to a specific activity in the app is possible due to the parameters passed to the app when the OS opens the app and the onAppOpenAttribution
method is called. AppsFlyer's OneLink ensures that the correct value is passed along with the user's click, thus personalizing the user’s app experience.
Only the deep_link_value
is required for deep linking. However, other parameters and values (such as custom attribution parameters) can also be added to the link and returned by the SDK as deep linking data.
- ユーザーがOneLinkのショートURLをクリックします。
- Androidは、AndroidManifest.xml の関連するアクティビティに基づいてアプリを起動します。
- AppsFlyer SDKがアプリ内で起動します。
- AppsFlyer SDKはOneLinkデータを取得します。
- ショートURLでは、AppsFlyerのサーバーにあるショートURLリゾルバAPIからデータを取得します。
- ロングURLでは、データを直接取得しています。
- AppsFlyer SDK triggers
with the retrieved parameters and cached attribution parameters (e.g.install_time
). - Asynchronously,
is called, holding the full cached attribution data. (You can exit this function by checking ifis_first_launch
.) onAppOpenAttribution()
は、attributionData マップを使用してアプリ内のその他のアクティビティを起動し、関連するデータを渡します。- これにより、OneLinkの最大の目的である、ユーザーのためのパーソナライズされた体験が生まれます。
To implement the onAppOpenAttribution
method and set up the parameter behaviors, the following action checklist of procedures must be completed.
- Deciding app behavior and
(and other parameter names and values) - with the marketer - 2. 次のメソッドインプットの計画:
(and other parameter names and values) - with the marketer - Implementing the
logic - Implementing the
When a OneLink is clicked and the user has the app installed on their device, the onAppOpenAttribution
method is called by the AppsFlyer SDK. This is referred to as a retargeting re-engagement.
The onAppOpenAttribution
method gets variables as an input like this: Map <String, String>
onAppOpenAttribution() ロジックの実装
The deep link opens the onAppOpenAttribution
method in the main activity. The OneLink parameters in the method input are used to implement the specific user experience when the application is opened.
Code Example:
public void onAppOpenAttribution(Map<String, String> attributionData) {
if (!attributionData.containsKey("is_first_launch"))
Log.d(LOG_TAG, "onAppOpenAttribution: This is NOT deferred deep linking");
for (String attrName : attributionData.keySet()) {
String deepLinkAttrStr = attrName + " = " + attributionData.get(attrName);
Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Deeplink attribute: " + deepLinkAttrStr);
Log.d(LOG_TAG, "onAppOpenAttribution: Deep linking into " + attributionData.get("deep_link_value"));
goToFruit(attributionData.get("deep_link_value"), attributionData);
public void onAttributionFailure(String errorMessage) {
Log.d(LOG_TAG, "error onAttributionFailure : " + errorMessage);
private void goToFruit(String fruitName, Map<String, String> dlData) {
String fruitClassName = fruitName.concat("Activity");
try {
Class fruitClass = Class.forName(this.getPackageName().concat(".").concat(fruitClassName));
Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Looking for class " + fruitClass);
Intent intent = new Intent(getApplicationContext(), fruitClass);
if (dlData != null) {
// Map is casted HashMap since it is easier to pass serializable data to an intent
HashMap<String, String> copy = new HashMap<String, String>(dlData);
intent.putExtra(DL_ATTRS, copy);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Deep linking failed looking for " + fruitName);
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is not called when the app is running in the background and ApplicationLaunchMode
is not standard.
To correct this, callsetIntent(intent)
method to set the intent value inside the overridden methodonNewIntent
if the application is using a non-standardLaunchMode
.import android.content.Intent; ... ... ... @Override protected void onNewIntent(Intent intent) { super.onNewIntent(intent); setIntent(intent); }
onAttributionFailure() ロジックの実装
The onAttributionFailure
method is called whenever the call to onAppOpenAttribution
fails. The function should report the error and create an expected experience for the user.
public void onAttributionFailure(String errorMessage) {
Log.d(LOG_TAG, "error onAttributionFailure : " + errorMessage);
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When the user first launches the app, the onConversionDataSuccess
callback function receives both the conversion data of the new user, and OneLink data. The OneLink data makes in-app routing possible due to the deep_link_value
or other that is passed to the app when the OS opens the app.
Only the deep_link_value
is required for deep linking. However, other parameters and values (such as custom attribution parameters) can also be added to the link and returned by the SDK as deep linking data. The AppsFlyer OneLink ensures that the correct parameters are passed along with the user's click, thus personalizing the user’s app experience.
The marketer and developer must coordinate regarding desired app behavior and deep_link_value
. The marketer uses the parameters to create deep links, and the developer customizes the behavior of the app based on the value received.
- ユーザーが、アプリがまだインストールされていないデバイス上でOneLinkをクリックします。
- AppsFlyerはクリックを登録し、ユーザーを正しいアプリストアまたはランディングページに誘導します。
- ユーザーがアプリをインストールし起動します。
- AppsFlyer SDKが初期化され、AppsFlyerサーバーにインストールが帰属されます。
- The SDK triggers the
method. The function receives input that includes both thedeep_link_value
, and the attribution data/parameters defined in the OneLink data. - パラメーター
has the valuetrue
, which signals the deferred deep link flow.
The developer uses the data received in theonConversionDataSuccess
function to create a personalized experience for the user for the application’s first launch.
To implement the onConversionDataSuccess
method and set up the parameter behaviors, the following action checklist of procedures need to be completed.
- 初回起動時にアプリの動作を決定する
(and other parameter names and values) - with the marketer - 2. 次のメソッドインプットの計画:
(and other parameter names and values) - with the marketer - Implementing the
logic - Implementing the
For deferred deep linking, the onConversionDataSuccess
method input must be planned and the input decided in the previous section (for deep linking) is made relevant for the first time the app is launched.
The onConversionDataSuccess
method gets the deep_link_value
and other variables as an input like this: Map <String, Object>.
- 計測データ
- Data defined by the marketer in the link (
and other parameters and values)
Other parameters can be either:- AppsFlyerの公式パラメーター
- マーケティング担当者とディベロッパーが選択したカスタムパラメーターと値
- インプットデータの構成はこちらで説明しています。
The marketer and developers need to plan the deep_link_value
(and other possible parameters and values) together based on the desired app behavior when the link is clicked.
To plan the deep_link_value
, and other parameter names and values based on the expected link behavior:
- 希望するアプリの動作を実装するために必要なパラメーターと値について、マーケティング担当者に伝えてください。
- Decide on naming conventions for the
and other parameters and values.
Note:- カスタムパラメーターは、AppsFlyerのローデータには表示されません。
- コンバージョンデータは、小文字の「n」を使ったカスタムパラメーター名「name」を返しません。
onConversionDataSuccess() ロジックの実装
When the app is opened for the first time, the onConversionDataSuccess
method is triggered in the main activity. The deep_link_value
and other parameters in the method input are used to implement the specific user experience when the app is first launched.
- 選択したパラメーターと値に基づいてロジックを実装してください。次のコードの例を参照してください。
- 完了後、アプリが予定通り動作するかの確認をマーケティング担当者に送ります。
public void onConversionDataSuccess(Map<String, Object> conversionData) {
for (String attrName : conversionData.keySet())
Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Conversion attribute: " + attrName + " = " + conversionData.get(attrName));
String status = Objects.requireNonNull(conversionData.get("af_status")).toString();
if( Objects.requireNonNull(conversionData.get("is_first_launch")).toString().equals("true")){
Log.d(LOG_TAG,"Conversion: First Launch");
if (conversionData.containsKey("deep_link_value")){
Log.d(LOG_TAG,"Conversion: This is deferred deep linking.");
// TODO SDK in future versions - match the input types
Map<String,String> newMap = new HashMap<>();
for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : conversionData.entrySet()) {
newMap.put(entry.getKey(), String.valueOf(entry.getValue()));
} else {
Log.d(LOG_TAG,"Conversion: Not First Launch");
} else {
Log.d(LOG_TAG,"Conversion: This is an organic install.");
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onConversionDataFailure() ロジックの実装
The onConversionDataFailure
method is called whenever the call to onConversionDataSuccess
fails. The function should report the error and create an expected experience for the user.
To implement the onConversionDataFailure
public void onConversionDataFail(String errorMessage) {
Log.d(LOG_TAG, "error getting conversion data: " + errorMessage);
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Android App Links
インプット先: onAppOpenAttribution(Map<String, String> attributionData)
"af_dp": "afbasicapp://mainactivity",
"af_ios_url": "",
"fruit_name": "apples",
"c": "fruit_of_the_month",
"media_source": "Email",
"link": "",
"pid": "Email",
"af_cost_currency": "USD",
"af_sub1": "my_sub1",
"af_click_lookback": "20d",
"af_adset": "my_adset",
"af_android_url": "",
"af_sub2": "my_sub2",
"fruit_amount": 26,
"af_cost_value": 6,
"campaign": "fruit_of_the_month",
"af_channel": "my_channel",
"af_ad": "my_adname",
"is_retargeting": "true"
"af_dp": "afbasicapp://mainactivity",
"install_time": "2020-08-06 06:56:02",
"fruit_name": "apples",
"af_ios_url": "",
"media_source": "Email",
"scheme": "https",
"link": "",
"af_cost_currency": "USD",
"af_sub1": "my_sub1",
"af_click_lookback": "20d",
"path": "/H5hv",
"af_adset": "my_adset",
"af_android_url": "",
"af_sub2": "my_sub2",
"fruit_amount": 16,
"af_cost_value": 6,
"host": "",
"campaign": "fruit_of_the_month",
"af_channel": "my_channel",
"af_ad": "my_adname"
URI schemes
インプット先: onAppOpenAttribution(Map<String, String> attributionData)
"scheme": "afbasicapp",
"link": "afbasicapp://mainactivity?af_ad=my_adname&af_adset=my_adset&",
"af_cost_currency": "NZD",
"af_click_lookback": "25d",
"af_deeplink": true,
"path": "",
"af_android_url": "",
"af_force_deeplink": true,
"fruit_amount": 15,
"host": "mainactivity",
"af_channel": "my_channel",
"shortlink": "9270d092",
"af_dp": "afbasicapp://mainactivity",
"install_time": "2020-08-06 06:56:02",
"af_ios_url": "",
"fruit_name": "apples",
"af_web_id": "367f81fb-59a4-446a-ac6c-a68d2ee9447c-p",
"media_source": "Email",
"af_status": "Non-organic",
"af_sub1": "my_sub1",
"af_adset": "my_adset",
"af_sub2": "my_sub2",
"af_cost_value": 5,
"campaign": "my_campaign",
"af_ad": "my_adname",
"is_retargeting": true
"af_dp": "afbasicapp://mainactivity",
"install_time": "2020-08-06 06:56:02",
"af_ios_url": "",
"fruit_name": "apples",
"af_web_id": "367f81fb-59a4-446a-ac6c-a68d2ee9447c-p",
"scheme": "afbasicapp",
"media_source": "Email",
"link": "afbasicapp://mainactivity?af_ad=my_adname&af_adset=my_adset&",
"af_cost_currency": "NZD",
"af_status": "Non-organic",
"af_click_lookback": "25d",
"af_sub1": "my_sub1",
"af_deeplink": true,
"path": "",
"af_android_url": "",
"af_adset": "my_adset",
"fruit_amount": 15,
"af_sub2": "my_sub2",
"host": "mainactivity",
"af_cost_value": 5,
"campaign": "my_campaign",
"af_channel": "my_channel",
"af_ad": "my_adname",
"is_retargeting": true
Deferred deep linking
インプット先: onConversionDataSuccess(Map<String, Object> conversionData)
"redirect_response_data": null,
"adgroup_id": null,
"engmnt_source": null,
"retargeting_conversion_type": "none",
"orig_cost": 6.0,
"af_cost_currency": "USD",
"is_first_launch": true,
"af_click_lookback": "20d",
"af_cpi": null,
"iscache": true,
"click_time": "2020-08-12 16:04:50.605",
"af_android_url": "",
"fruit_amount": 26,
"is_branded_link": null,
"match_type": "probabilistic",
"adset": null,
"af_channel": "my_channel",
"campaign_id": null,
"shortlink": "6d66214a",
"af_dp": "afbasicapp://mainactivity",
"install_time": "2020-08-12 16:05:33.750",
"af_ios_url": "",
"fruit_name": "apples",
"media_source": "Email",
"agency": null,
"af_siteid": null,
"af_status": "Non-organic",
"af_sub1": "my_sub1",
"cost_cents_USD": 600,
"af_sub5": null,
"af_adset": "my_adset",
"af_sub4": null,
"af_sub3": null,
"af_sub2": "my_sub2",
"adset_id": null,
"esp_name": null,
"af_cost_value": 6,
"campaign": "fruit_of_the_month",
"http_referrer": "android-app://com.slack/",
"af_ad": "my_adname",
"is_universal_link": null,
"is_retargeting": true,
"adgroup": null
更新済 11か月前